Legalities and Ethics for Professional School Counselors

Two representatives from Powell & Leon will be presenting the workshop and will speak on legalities and ethical issues surrounding school counselors and special education leaders (such as LSSP's, Special Education Directors, LPC's, Social Workers, and Diagnosticians) in Texas. 

One speaker is a partner in the law firm and the other is an attorney who specializes in special education and disability matters.

Legislative updates and current relevant topics such as David's Law, 504, Ethics, Special Education Students and ARD'd counseling/services, teen pregnancies, confidentiality and ethics and more will be addressed by this knowledgeable team as they speak to educators in this presentation. 

There will be time for questions and answers.

This workshop is included in the Counselor Coop.  Please remember to use your registration code.

This workshop is free to counselor cooperative members. Please remember to use your promotional code when registering.

Professional School Counselors, School Social Workers, Principals, Teachers, adminstration, special education staff
Early Childhood, Administration/Leadership, Special Education, College and Career Readiness, Counseling Services, CTE: Career & Technical Education

CPE Credits: 6.00  
Registration Closes: 2/2/2018 5:00 pm
Region 13
5701 Springdale Road
Austin, TX 78723
Fri. 2/2/2018 - 9:00am to 4:00pm