Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment - 2

Transdisciplinary Play‐Based Assessment‐2 is a comprehensive, holistic functional assessment for young children from birth to six years of age. A transdisciplinary team that includes family members observes cognitive, sensorimotor, communication, and emotional and social development. This dynamic assessment process involves use of observational guidelines, age tables, and intervention planning tools.

PT CEUs approved for this training!!! 
The price covers registration for 2 days of training and TPBA 2 Assessment book, TPBA 2 Administrator's Guide, TPBI 2 (intervention) book and forms disc for each district team.  
Please attend in teams if possible, but individuals are also welcome. 

TPBA teams and individuals wanting to be trained to be a team member
Deaf, ECSE, Deaf/Blind, Special Education, Educator Certification Program (ECP), Speech Therapy, Related Services, Assessment, Autism, Early Childhood

CPE Credits: 12.00  
Registration Closes: 6/27/2012 8:34 am
5701 Springdale
Austin, TX 78723
Wed. 6/27/2012 - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Thu. 6/28/2012 - 9:00am to 4:00pm