MSTAR Implementation Tools

MSTAR (Middle School Texas Algebra Ready)  Implementation Tools

This training builds on the MSTAR Academy II with deeper exploration of the research-based TierII strategies from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Practice Guide for Struggling Students.  Participants will learn how to the MSTAR Universal Screener results and other forms of data to make instructional decisions and apply practical strategies for implementing evidence-based interventions for students receiving Tier II mathematics support.  Participants will be introduced to the MSTAR Diagnostic Assessment, currently under development.  The session will also include access to online resources and professional communities provided through Project Share.

Key Points:

Tier II Instruction- The PD takes a deeper look at research-based interventions and using data to determine what interventions are needed.

Connects to CCRS, ELPS, and RtI

Please note this training will occur at the Joe C. Thompson Center on the UT campus.

Math teachers, ELL teachers, interventionists.
Mary Petrosky and Dianne Shaver
Response to Intervention (RTI), Differentiation, Teaching & Learning, Instructional Strategies, Interventions, Mathematics

CPE Credits: 12.00  
Registration Closes: 7/31/2012 2:25 pm
Joe Thompson Center- UT Campus
2405 Robert Dedman Drive
Austin, TX 78712
Mon. 7/30/2012 - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Tue. 7/31/2012 - 9:00am to 4:00pm