CANCELED: Accommodation Central

Are you wondering how to effectively choose and use accommodations for students with disabilities?

In this workshop, you will use information from the Region 13 Accommodation Central website, LiveBinder, and TEA STAAR resources to determine appropriate accommodations for instruction and assessment.

You will learn to implement a five-step accommodation process that includes selection, administration, and evaluation of accommodations in the classroom.

This workshop will look at accommodations that could be suitable for students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The accommodation process is applicable to any subject area and meaningful to general education teachers as well as special education teachers.

special education teachers of students with disabilities
Diverse Populations, Inclusion, Special Education, Progress in the General Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Differentiation
1.3 - Planning: Knowledge of Students, T-TESS 2.4 - Instruction: Differentiation, T-TESS 2.5 - Instruction: Monitor and Adjust

CPE Credits: 6.00  
Registration Closes: 10/10/2016 9:00 am
ESC Region 13
5701 Springdale Road
Austin, TX 78723
Mon. 10/10/2016 - 9:00am to 4:00pm