Autism 101: Top Ten Pieces to the Puzzle
6.00 CPE Credits
Attention: This course has moved to TEALearn and has been phased out of being hosted on ESC Region 13’s E-Campus platform. Enrollment is open for this course now on TEALearn, and you can search for it here:
This course provides information the components of autism spectrum disorders. In this online course, participants will be able to define the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders and identify evidence-based strategies to address the behavioral, social and communication needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. This course is a training module developed by the Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Training as a part of a comprehensive training series in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Who is this for?
Educators, Parents, General Public
Who do I contact for more information?
Online Learning, Autism, Parents, Behavior and Discipline, ECSE, Early Childhood, Related Services, LIFE skills, Special Education
Evaluation Standards
1 - Planning, T-TESS 3 - Learning Environment, T-TESS 1.3 - Planning: Knowledge of Students, T-TESS 3.1 - Learning Environment: Classroom Environment Routines and Procedures, T-TESS 3.2 - Learning Environment: Managing Student Behavior
Online Course, Self-directed
CPE Credits:
Registration Closes: Thu. 08/31/2023 - 11:59PM CDT
Access Dates
Ends: Sat. 09/30/2023 - 11:59PM CDT
Workshop ID