The Name of the Game 8: Embedding Vocabulary Instruction throughout the Day
Online Course, Self-directed
1.00 CPE Credits  

This one hour webinar is one of an 8 part series on vocabulary learning for children with hearing loss. The focus is on children who use listening and spoken language, however applications are made to sign language learning when appropriate.  You are currently accessing the

eighth webinar in the series: Embedding Vocabulary Instruction throughout the Day.

Learner Outcomes for this module:

  • Describe how fatigue and listening effort affect on-line processing of new vocabulary for children with hearing loss during the day
  • Identify ways to use parents and other professionals as partners in vocabulary embedding for academic content
  • List at least three skills students with hearing loss can learn to help themselves grow their daily vocabulary

You do not need to view the 8 modules in any particular order, but the order they were presented in is listed below. You also do not need to view every video.  You will get 1 credit for each individual topic you complete.

Webinar 1: Vocabulary Outcomes and Word Learning in Children with Hearing Loss (SP1940786)

Webinar 2: Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge (SP1940787)

Webinar 3: Types of Vocabulary Knowledge and Their Relation to Language Development (SP1940788)

Webinar 4: Types of Vocabulary Knowledge and Their Relation to Academic Success (SP1940789)

Webinar 5: Teaching Vocabulary to Children with Hearing Loss: Early Listeners (SP1950790)

Webinar 6: Teaching Vocabulary to Children with Hearing Loss: School Age Children (SP1940791)

Webinar 7: Vocabulary Learning in Children with Hearing Loss: An Overview for Parents (SP1940792)

Webinar 8: Embedding Vocabulary Instruction throughout the Day (SP1940793)

The module for parents is NOT just for parents!  Professionals may find it useful to view this as preparation for guiding parents.


This online course has been approved for 1 clock hour of continuing education credit by the Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association (TSHA).  TSHA approval does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.

This online course has been approved by AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language to offer  1 credit of LSLS™ CEUs. 

SLPs, Teachers of the Deaf, ELAR Teachers, Administrators of Deaf Ed Programs
Online Learning, Reading Language Arts (RLA), Deaf, Progress in the General Curriculum, Subject Areas, Differentiation, Special Education, Instructional Strategies, Speech Therapy, Literacy, Writing
2 - Instruction, T-TESS
Online Course, Self-directed

CPE Credits: 1.00  
Registration Closes: Mon. 09/01/2025 - 12:00AM CDT
Starts: Tue. 01/08/2019 - 12:00AM CST
Ends: Wed. 10/01/2025 - 12:00AM CDT