Virtual Learning and Coaching with Steve Barkley
Take Your Coaching to the Next Level with Steve Barkley's Personalized Virtual Learning and Coaching
Online Course, Facilitated
15.00 CPE Credits  

Open Enrollment! 

Enroll at any time throughout the year, and receive personalized learning and coaching that meets your needs and fits within your schedule.

ESC Region 13 has teamed up with Steve Barkley to bring you personalized learning and coaching that will help take your coaching to the next level.  

WATCH: An Invitation from Steve.

  • Get one-on-one personalized virtual coaching sessions with a Region 13 Instructional Coach and Steve Barkley.
  • Work through your ideal Instructional Coaching module at your own pace and with a facilitator.
  • Access resources and connect with colleagues facing similar challenges


This course is designed to build your coaching skills in the area which will best serve your needs at this time.  You will:

  • Have an initial one-on-one Zoom session with a Region 13 Instructional Coach to identify a desired learning outcome and uncover its key elements
  • With the support of your coach, select one online Instructional Coaching Module based on your experience and expected application of learning. Choose from one of the following Instructional Coaching Modules:

Module 1 - Culture and Process Refresher

  • Summarize the roles and responsibilities of an instructional coach.
  • Develop coaching behaviors that influence best practices.
  • Prepare to plan, reflect, and problem-solve as an instructional coach.
  • Generate communication skills that build and grow active professional learning communities.

Module 2 - Essential Communication Skills

  • Describe conferencing, facilitation, presentation, and training best practices.
  • Integrate effective communication techniques, including active listening, confirmatory paraphrasing, and positive phrasing.
  • Evaluate the flow of verbal exchanges, on- or off-task behaviors, and types of feedback during a classroom observation.
  • Compare various types of feedback and when to employ them.
  • Summarize the models for defining communication and practicing confidentiality among stakeholders.

Module 3 - Essential Coaching Processes

  • Construct methods to develop a culture of coaching.
  • Summarize the key characteristics of a well-designed coaching system.
  • Describe the components that enable coaches to respond most effectively to specific situations.
  • Generate strategies to support effective coaching.

Module 4 - Essential Questions for Life

  • Explain the importance of modeling and applying effective communication skills in the coaching process.
  • Describe the purpose of each questioning mode—and the skills associated with each—within the coaching process.
  • Summarize the modes of effective questioning that coaches encourage and watch for during classroom observations.
  • Explore the types of questions that may be used to structure coaching conferences to maximize critical thinking.
  • Generate questions for debriefing and fostering teacher reflection.

Once you have chosen the module that best fits your current needs, you will:

  • Complete the online module over 8 weeks at your own pace.
  • Receive feedback from a facilitator as you work through the module.
  • Have a coaching conversation with Steve Barkley midway through your module to explore your learning, your questions, and make connections to your day-to-day experience.
  • Access blogs and podcasts related to your focus area.
  • Connect with colleagues addressing similar challenges.
  • As you complete the module, have a final coaching session with a Region 13 Instructional Coach to plan your implementation and directions for your future work and learning.
  • Earn a certificate of completion and 15 CEUs.


STEP 1:   Complete our Personalized Coaching Form, and a Region 13 Instructional Coach will contact you to schedule your initial coaching session to help you establish your focus and identify which online learning module will best meet your needs.

STEP 2:   Choose your online learning module, and ESC Region 13 will contact you to assist you in registration.

STEP 3:   Use the link emailed to you to access the online learning module, as well as additional resources.

STEP 4:  Participate in a virtual coaching session with Steve Barkley midway through the 8-week  online module.

STEP 5:  Complete the online learning module and participate in a final virtual coaching session with a Region 13 Instructional Coach.







Instructional Coaches, Teachers, Administrators, Central Office Staff
Steve Barkley
Instructional Coaching
2 - Instruction, T-TESS 4 - Professional Practices and Responsibilities, T-TESS 2.1 - Instruction: Achieving Expectation, T-TESS 2.5 - Instruction: Monitor and Adjust, T-TESS 4.3 - Professional Practices and Responsibilities: Professional Development 1 - Instructional Leadership, T-PESS 2 - Human Capital, T-PESS 4 - School Culture, T-PESS 1.1B - Monitors and ensures high quality instruction, T-PESS 2.2A - Maintains diverse and high quality work force, T-PESS 2.2B - Coaches and develops staff through feedback and PD opportunities, T-PESS 4.4B - Clear expectations for adult staff and student conduct
Online Course, Facilitated

CPE Credits: 15.00  
Registration Closes: Tue. 04/06/2021 - 12:00PM CDT
Starts: Mon. 09/28/2020 - 12:00AM CDT
Ends: Tue. 06/01/2021 - 12:00AM CDT