Critical Thinking 101: Leadership and Character Development Network
ESC Region 13 - Main Campus
3.00 CPE Credits  

How might we create classrooms of consequence? A classroom of consequence means our students learn academic and social skills to make a difference in the quality of the lives they will live, and the world they will lead. Critical thinking is an essential component of a classroom of consequence. Classrooms imbued with critical thinking teach civil discourse, empathic listening, frustration tolerance, problem solving, and mental flexibility.  The strategies we discuss in this LCD Network offering will build the skills needed to be assessment capable learners, self-directed thinkers, and empowered scholars.

Teachers, Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Behavior,
Paula Freeman, Ph.D.
Administration/Leadership, Behavior and Discipline, College and Career Readiness, Effective Schools Framework - 5.2
2 - Instruction, T-TESS 4 - Professional Practices and Responsibilities, T-TESS 4.3 - Professional Practices and Responsibilities: Professional Development 1 - Instructional Leadership, T-PESS 4 - School Culture, T-PESS 1.1B - Monitors and ensures high quality instruction

CPE Credits: 3.00  
Registration Closes: Thu. 11/09/2023 - 12:00AM CST
ESC Region 13 - Main Campus
5701 Springdale Rd.
Austin, TX 78723
Wed. 11/15/2023 - 9:00am to 12:00pm CST