A-F Accountability Summer Update 2024




Step up your game and stay ahead of the curve with our workshop designed to equip you with the latest insights and strategies for navigating the 2024 A-F Accountability System updates. Led by a team of seasoned experts, including representatives from TEA and Region 13, this workshop delves into the intricacies of the A-F updates while focusing on the unique considerations for students in Special Education and Emergent Bilingual programs.
Explore the nuances of CTE/Programs of Studies and learn how PEIMS and TIDE integrate within the A-F system. Engage in interactive discussions, ask questions, and connect with fellow educators to expand your professional network. Gain exclusive access to valuable resources through our user-friendly Canvas platform.
Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to enhance your understanding and preparation for the latest developments in the A-F Accountability System. Register now to secure your spot!
Learning Objectives:
  1. Learn the methodology behind each domain, digging specifically into Domain 1: CCMR and Domain 3: Closing the Gaps
  2. Understand any updates to the 2024 A-F Accountability System.
  3. Learn strategies for supporting and promoting college, career, and miliary accountability indicators in your district.
  4. Connect with other educators to share ideas and best practices for setting up systems to support CCMR.
  5. Access valuable resources and materials through our Canvas platform to aid in implementation of the 2024 A-F Accountability System including a recording of the session. 

Breakfast and Lunch will be provided.



Campus and District Leaders
ESC Region 13 Accountability Team
Accountability, Student Data, Assessment, Leadership

CPE Credits: 6.00  
Registration Closes: 6/12/2024 9:00 am
ESC Region 13 - Main Campus
5701 Springdale
Austin, TX 78723
Wed. 6/12/2024 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Starts: 6/12/2024
Ends: 12/31/2024