This session will assist Evaluators and Multidisciplinary Evaluation Teams in understanding the dyslexia referral and identification process. Discussions will include the elements of reading, defining dyslexia, reviewing the characteristics of dyslexia, and the process for the evaluation of dyslexia in Texas under the Texas Dyslexia Handbook and IDEA. It will include information about the referral and data-gathering process that would suggest a need to consider evaluating for dyslexia and a review of domains to consider assessing for dyslexia, including achievement, cognitive processes, and other related areas. Participants will learn how to incorporate these elements into a special education full individual evaluation and how to differentiate between dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities in reading.
Dyslexia Evaluation 101 (Virtual)
6.00 CPE Credits
Who is this for?
Dyslexia Evaluators, Providers of Dyslexia Instruction, MTSS/RTI Coordinators, SPED Teachers, School Psychologists, Educational Diagnosticians, CALT, LDTs
Katie McEuen
Who do I contact for more information?
Dyslexia, Special Education, Interventions, Response to Intervention (RTI)
Evaluation Standards
1 - Planning, T-TESS 4 - Professional Practices and Responsibilities, T-TESS 1.2 - Planning: Data and Assessment, T-TESS 4.3 - Professional Practices and Responsibilities: Professional Development
Online, Live Broadcast
CPE Credits:
Registration Closes: Tue. 06/04/2024 - 3:00PM CDT
Meeting Dates
6/4/2024 -
9:00am to
4:00pm CDT
Workshop ID