As a region, we are
UNITED in our efforts to support student achievement. Therefore, please join us for TEKS RS United, a full day workshop focused on learning the functions and components of our new platform for TEKS Resource System. We are hosting these sessions to spread the word as much as possible throughout our region.We will start off the day with an energetic welcome and overview of the TEKS Resource System, led by our Region 13 TEKS Resource System Education Specialist. During this time, educators will have the opportunity to engage with the new system and become familiar using its components.
Following lunch and intentional connection time with fellow educators, we will deep dive into specific content areas and utilize the TEKS Resource System in planning. During this time, we will focus on resources that will save you time and energy throughout the year.
We are TEKS RS UNITED! Register now for one of our workshops and we will see you there!