Homeless Education COOP and Networking: Discipline for McKinney-Vento Students
homeless, discipline
ESC Region 13 - Main Campus
5.50 CPE Credits  

Did you know that students experiencing homelessness in Texas are twice as likely to be referred to in-school suspension and five times more likely to be referred to a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program? Is the McKinney-Vento district homeless liaison for your LEA consulted on discipline of students experiencing homelessness?  Come find out best practices and solutions for addressing discipline and McKinney-Vento students.


CPE Credits: 5.50  
Registration Closes: None
ESC Region 13 - Main Campus
5701 Springdale Rd.
Austin, TX 78723
Tue. 9/24/2024 - 9:00am to 3:30pm