Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Training Spring 2025
12.00 CPE Credits
The focus of this two-day, face to face, training is developing present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) based on student data, drafting annual goals (academic and/or functional) and objectives, if appropriate, and collecting data for reporting progress.
Participants will understand the importance of these components and how their alignment results in an appropriate and ambitious Individualized Education Program (IEP) for students receiving special education and related services.
The intended audience for this training is special education teachers, related service providers, and any other professional staff responsible for drafting a student’s IEP, including present levels of academic achievement and functional performance and measurable annual goals.
This training was created by the Child Find, Evaluation, and ARD Support Statewide Technical Assistance Network in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency with state and federal grants.
Participants must attend both days to receive credit.
Who is this for?
Special Education Teachers, Related Service Providers, and IEP Committee Members
Katherine Salmon and Amanda Tucker
Who do I contact for more information?
Elementary, Early Childhood, 18+ Programs and Services, Special Education, Progress in the General Curriculum, High School
Evaluation Standards
1 - Planning, T-TESS 2 - Instruction, T-TESS 1.2 - Planning: Data and Assessment
1 - Instructional Leadership, T-PESS
CPE Credits:
Registration Closes: Fri. 01/24/2025 - 12:00PM CST
Meeting Dates
1/27/2025 -
9:00am to
4:00pm CST
1/28/2025 -
9:00am to
4:00pm CST
Workshop ID