All CNP classes are FREE to TDA F&N Program Contracting Entities.
FSMC employees must pay the registration fee to attend.
For details on the registration process, please read the REGISTRATION DETAILS AND INSTRUCTIONS below.
Class Description:
This lab is open as a resource to child nutrition directors to drop in for hands-on assistance using the newly implemented Web Based Supply Chain Management system to order USDA foods.
USDA Professional Standard Codes: 1170, 2400
This product is funded by the USDA.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
ESC Region 13 Child Nutrition training classes are a valuable tool for continuing education for district staff operating Child Nutrition Programs.
Each district will be permitted to take one food service management company (FSMC) employee, who may attend these classes if accompanied by the district staff person responsible for contract management and oversight.
FSMC attendees must pay a $50 participation fee to attend and may not charge the cost to the nonprofit school lunch program or use federal nutrition funds for the expense.
When registering for Child Nutrition training classes at ESC 13 you will now be asked for payment information.
District staff may attend all Child Nutrition training classes with no restrictions or registration fees.
District employees may use the code DISTRICTSTAFF to waive the registration fee.