School-Based Applied Behavior Analysis Programs for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Course 3 Challenging Behavior Assessment and Treatment
Online Course, Self-directed
1.00 CPE Credits  

This series is divided up into 6 separate courses ranging between 90 min and 120 minutes each. The series is designed to be watched in sequence, but individual courses can be watched individually and still be beneficial. The National Professional Development Center (NPDC) on Autism Spectrum Disorders was the primary source for the information presented in the DVDs.

This is the third course in the series covering the topic of Challenging Behavior Assessment and Treatment

Identified learner objectives include

  1. Define challenging behavior
  2. Describe the nature of the challenging behaviors often associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
  3. List common approaches to the treatment of challenging behavior with an emphasis on ABA
  4. List how teachers are involved in functional behavioral assessment (FBA)
  5. Identify common function-based interventions for challenging behavior


teachers, special education teachers, speech language pathologists, administrators, parents, related service providers
Deaf/Blind, Visually Impaired, LIFE skills, Progress in the General Curriculum, ECSE, Autism, Special Education, Deaf, Speech Therapy
3 - Learning Environment, T-TESS 3.2 - Learning Environment: Managing Student Behavior
Online Course, Self-directed

CPE Credits: 1.00  
Registration Closes: 5/30/2019 11:59 pm
Ends: 8/21/2019