2nd Annual Secondary School Counselor Summer Seminar
Region 13
6.00 CPE Credits  

For our 2nd annual Summer Counselor Seminar, we will kick off with a very talented speaker as our keynote.  

Then for our afternoon portion of the Summer Counselor Seminar, you will have an opportunity to attend breakout sessions of your choice and will be presented by some of our very own Region 13 school counselors.  Topics will include:  Secondary Tips and Tricks (Best Practices), Working with At-Risk Students, College 101 and Your Students, and more!!!

This workshop is included in the counseling cooperative offerings...if you are a member of the Region 13 Counseling Cooperative, please use your promotional code at registration.

Note: Middle School Counselors are welcome to attend this seminar, if interested.

Contact Tisha Kolek at Region 13 if you would like to submit a break out session proposal. E-mail is tisha.kolek@esc13.txed.net.

Come join us this summer as we learn and grow together!  



High School Counselors, Middle School Counselors,Secondary School Counselors, Social Workers,
At-Risk, CTE: Career & Technical Education, PEIMS, Behavior and Discipline, High School, Counseling Services, College and Career Readiness, Personal Graduation Plan

CPE Credits: 6.00  
Registration Closes: Fri. 06/14/2019 - 10:45AM CDT
Region 13
5701 Springdale Road
Austin, TX 78723
Fri. 6/14/2019 - 9:00am to 3:00pm CDT