Best Practices for TELPAS Preparation
ESC Region 13
6.00 CPE Credits  

The focus of this course:

  • A look at TELPAS data, using the proficiency level descriptors as a monitoring tool to target instruction in the classroom

  • A look at classroom technology that prepares students for the listening, speaking, reading, and writing they will be asked to perform on TELPAS, and practicing with release tests. 
  • Additional instructional stratgies that develop the skills needed for successful performance on TELPAS
  • Goal setting with students, effectively communicating the purpose of TELPAS with student and parent, planning to receive authentic test results.

For more information, please contact Ana Segulin or Daniel Schaetz at or

Participants are encouraged to come prepared with access to their district TELPAS data from Spring of 2023. 


Teachers, Administrators, Coordinators, Testing Coordinators, LPAC
Ana Segulin, Daniel Schaetz

CPE Credits: 6.00  
Registration Closes: Tue. 11/14/2023 - 12:00AM CST
ESC Region 13
5701 Springdale Rd.
Austin, TX 78723
Tue. 11/14/2023 - 9:00am to 4:00pm CST