Math: Going Beyond the Drill - Procedural Fluency Across Elementary Math (Multiplication/Division) Virtual
Online Course, Self-directed
6.00 CPE Credits  

Procedural fluency helps students learn to approach problems with flexible thinking. Take a deep dive into the concepts of multiplication and division across multiple grade levels. Gain an understanding of different strategies that can be applied in the classroom to help students develop procedural fluency while differentiating to meet all student's needs. Walk away with immediate strategies for implementation. 

Elementary Math Teachers
Mathematics, Elementary, Effective Schools Framework - 5.1
2 - Instruction, T-TESS 2.2 - Instruction: Content Knowledge and Expertise 1 - Instructional Leadership, T-PESS 1.1D - Ensures growth of individual students
Online Course, Self-directed

CPE Credits: 6.00  
Registration Closes: Fri. 08/09/2024 - 12:00AM CDT
Starts: Mon. 09/25/2023 - 12:00AM CDT
Ends: Fri. 09/06/2024 - 11:00PM CDT